Company Name: Grautrans Limited
Address: Unit 1604 16/F Port 33 33 Tseuk Luk Street KL
You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in respect of any disputes arising in connection with the website, or any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices or any matter related to or in connection therewith.
We agree to provide the Services to you in accordance with the Contract. Any variation of the Contract must be confirmed in writing by both parties.
We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any or all of the Services for any reason that we may reasonably deem appropriate, with prior notice. You shall be entitled to receive a refund of any overpayment of money paid to us in respect of the Services as a result of any such modification, suspension or discontinuation, calculated by us on a prorate basis.
The Services will be performed by a professional translator with a relevant background in the field.
Unless otherwise determined in the Order, the Services include proofreading.
You will be entitled to a single round of corrections within 7-10 days from delivery of the Translated Works, with no additional costs.
“All transactions are made in Japanese Yen represented with the symbol [JP¥], or US Dollar represented with the symbol [US$], or Hong Kong Dollar represented with the symbol [HK$].”
Time required to provide service depend on the service type,and it will be finished within 1-2 days . The dates for delivery of the Translated Works, or the timetables for carrying out the Services, are approximate only.
We will not be liable in any circumstances for the consequences of any delay in delivery or performance or failure to deliver or perform if the duration of the delay is not substantial or if the delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond our control, including without limitation, late delivery or late performance or non-delivery or non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors, shortage of labour, an act of God, fire, inclement or exceptional weather conditions, industrial action, hostilities, governmental order or intervention (whether or not having the force of law).
We may deliver by installments in such quantities as we may reasonably decide; such installments shall be separate obligations and no breach in respect of one or more of them shall entitle you to cancel any subsequent installments or repudiate the Contract as a whole.
The Services shall be carried out using reasonable skill and care in accordance with the standards of the industry.
We shall use all reasonable skill and care in selecting translators, interpreters, and other personnel used to produce the Translated Works and perform the Services.
No terms, conditions or warranties, whether express or implied, about the quality or fitness for purpose of the Services or the Translated Works shall be incorporated unless expressly set out in the Contract.
Without derogating from the foregoing, save in respect of death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, our liability to you in respect of the provision of the Services and/or the Translated Works shall be limited as follows:
The Services are provided “as is”. We do not warrant that the Translated Works will meet your specific requirements and, unless otherwise agreed, we do not warrant that the operation of any Translated Works sent to you will be uninterrupted or error free. Furthermore, we do not warrant that or make any representation regarding the use of the Translated Works in terms of their accuracy, correctness, reliability, or otherwise. You acknowledge that any Original Works and Translated Works submitted by and to you over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be free from the risk of interception, even if transmitted in encrypted form, and that we have no liability for the loss, corruption, or interception of any Original Works or Translated Works.
We shall not be liable for loss of profits, business, contracts, revenue, damage to your reputation or goodwill, anticipated savings, and/or any other indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. Our entire liability to you under any Contract, including but not limited to in respect of the Services and the Translated Works, shall not exceed the price payable to us by you under the Contract to which any claim relates. In any event, we shall not be liable to you if you fail to notify us of any Claim within a reasonable time of delivery of the Translated Works.
All Intellectual Property Rights (including, but not limited to copyright) in the Original Works and the Translated Works shall vest in you.
Save as necessary in order for us to provide the Services neither party may use or disclose any of the other party’s Confidential Information.
Notwithstanding the above, either party may disclose the Confidential Information of the other when required by law or any regulatory authority or to its (or any of its associated company’s) personnel, sub-contractor’s personnel or any person who needs to know such information for the purpose of fulfilling the parties’ obligations under the Contract, on condition that the party making such disclosure ensures that each such person to whom such disclosure is made is informed of the obligations of confidentiality under these Terms and Conditions and complies with those obligations as if they were bound by them.
Confidential Information shall not include any information which (i) at the time of disclosure or thereafter is in or comes into the public domain other than as a result, directly or indirectly, of any disclosure by the recipient not expressly permitted under the Contract, (ii) is already in the recipient’s possession or becomes available to the recipient on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the disclosing party, provided that such source is not, to the recipient’s knowledge after reasonable inquiry, bound by any obligation of confidentiality relating to the information provided or (iii) is developed or discovered by the recipient independent of the Confidential Information.
The obligation of confidentiality contained in this section 9 shall survive termination of the Contract howsoever caused.
By providing details to us, you hereby consent and confirm that these details will be stored in a database owned by us and used by us and/or anyone acting on our behalf for the purpose of performing the Services. Such use shall not be regarded as breach of privacy, and we and/or anyone acting on our behalf, shall not be regarded as being in violation of privacy in this regard.
You acknowledge and confirm that you are aware that you are under no legal obligation to provide the details to us and/or anyone acting on our behalf (but if you decide to refrain from providing such details – you may not be able to use all of the Services provided by us), and providing the details to us is done under your free will and with your authorization.
The Contract (and any proceedings whereby one party might be entitled to join the other as a third party) shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with law and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction.
The unique order/transaction ID generated on successful transaction will be sent to you at the registered customer e-mail address at the time of order placement which can be used for further reference.
When you purchase the service from our website, your credit card bill will show the description as ““.